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MCC Daily Tribune

TCC: Open Classroom Week (Nov 18 to Nov 22)

TCC: Open Classroom Week (Information How to Volunteer)

The Teaching and Creativity Center is pleased to announce Open Classroom Week for Fall 2024: November 18 to November 22, 2024. This will be an opportunity for faculty, professional staff, and administrators to learn what our students experience and to see what our colleagues are doing. Please review the information regarding how to volunteer for the Open Classroom Week.

Volunteer to open your class(es) to faculty guests by completing the online registration form.

The volunteer period will end on October 25, 2024. You will be able to choose:

  • the maximum number of guests you can host
  • whether you will accept late arrivals
  • whether you want guests to participate or just observe
  • whether you would like feedback

Sign up to attend classes from October 28 to November 8 2024. The sign-up link will be shared in the Daily Tribune. Please do not forget to complete the sign-up form by November 8. Only a limited number of slots will be available for each class, based on the host’s choice. Guests will sign up with their names and emails so that the hosts will know how many attendees to expect. The hosts are more than welcome to send materials to their guests prior to the class.

The Teaching and Creativity Center (TCC) is looking forward to your participation in Open Classroom Week. If you have questions regarding the sign-up process, please email Melis Kural (, the TCC Coordinator.

Melis Kural
Teaching & Creativity Center